
Private Sound Baths

Experience the transcendent effect of Sound Healings—without leaving your home. Perfect for families, a group of friends, Bachelorette Party, or those looking for unique ways to relax and heal (located in Breckenridge, Colorado)

Sound healings offer a colloquial mix of intention and vibration to lower our brainwaves, promote energetic and physical healing, enhance the quality of our sleep, and increase the strength of our cells, even enlivening dormant ones (from injury, trauma, or pain).

Sound healings are a gentle way to heal, connect to our inner being, and let our minds dazzle in a journey to the outer edges of space.

*Option to Add Tuning Forks: set vibration to be placed on acupressure points on body

Breathwork Ceremony

Combining the power of sacred space, ceremony, and circular conscious breathing, Sage + Rose Breathwork Ceremonies serve as the ultimate catalyst for healing, profound visions, and inner journey. Connect to the innate healer within, and release the limitations of the mind—embodying who you are fully.

Touch the tribal, wild, and expressive inner world of Self.

Yin Yoga

Poses with long holds meant to stress connective tissue, fascia and ligaments. Chinese Modality of Yoga—stimulates meridian lines. Meditative, calming. Rejuvenating and hydrating for body. Peaceful. Perfect recovery for athletes.

Can be added to any offering.

Yoga Nidra + Sound Ceremony

Combined the two beautiful + ancient practices of profound healing, relaxation, and connection to higher consciousness. A complimentary pair, experience a 20-30 minute guided Yoga Nidra session (themes include healing, spiritual connection, intention setting) followed by 30-40 minutes of a sound journey.

Cacao + Sound Ceremony

Burst your heart chakra wide open with a sweet cacao ceremony intended to melt the tension in your heart and connect you to the divine, mama earth, and others; followed by a cosmic sound journey to break up an lingering energy stagnation and realign everything back to center. Experience a 30 minute cacao circle (choose from Oaxacan Spice, Tantric Rose, or Connected Columbia) followed by 30-40 minutes of a sound journey.

Book with Us!

Add a little magic to your retreat, birthday, corporate, or bachelorette weekend.

Please provide location preference, group size, and desired offering so we can best serve you

Pricing is based on group size, but includes altar items (flowers + crystals) and travel.